Monday 3 September 2012

Techniques of Off-page SEO

I know, some people still think off-page SEO means directory submission and social bookmarking. I ‘m not saying that these off-page techniques don’t have any value at all but yes, these activities can tend to penalize your website if done in bulk. 

Off-page doesn’t mean adding your website in different directories and social bookmarking sites without bothering about its relevancy and quality. 

I define off-page SEO as an activity to share your website with others in any way. Some of the quality and beneficial activities include sharing videos, pictures and documents of the website. Creating blogs is also a good idea because you can share your website and can provide fresh content to the visitors. The list of off-page SEO techniques is as below: 
  1. Directory Submission
  2. Video Promotion
  3. Picture Sharing
  4. Article Submission
  5. Blog Submission
  6. Forum Posting
  7. Document Sharing
  8. Social Bookmarking
  9. Press Release Submission
  10. Creating community pages on social sites
  11. RSS Submissions, etc. 


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